Saturday 29 August 2015

I've Lost Something

I’ve lost something very valuable to me. A notebook.

A notebook filled with everything I’ve done in the last year. You could call it a diary or a calendar. It’s valuable to me due to the fact I can’t replace it. I can’t go out and buy a notebook filled with everything I’ve done in the last year; I’ve been keeping a record of what I do to enable me to look back and remember the moments.
These are the moments that I can’t relive, which is what makes them so precious and dear to me. When I’m old and have forgotten, I want to be able to have the opportunity to read through a notebook of mine and see what I did with my time when I was younger.
I’ve never been able to keep a proper diary where I write my thoughts and actions down each day. So last year I decided to keep a small notebook where I write down memorable things: not full sentences or poetic lines, one or two words describing something I wanted to remember.

If you're in the same boat as me and can't keep a proper diary, I really suggest having a small notebook and writing down one or two words describing what you did if you want to keep some type of record of your life. Just don't loose it.

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