Saturday, 17 January 2015

A Winter Walk

A few weeks ago one morning I woke up pretty early for me in my Winter Holidays: I think it was around ten o’clock… So early I know. For some reason the Christmas period made me really tired and I spent most of my time asleep wrapped up in blankets.

Anyway my Dad and I drove down to this river as he needed to collect something and I went as an excuse to take some photos of the frost. I don’t think I had seen the river as beautiful as it was then for a while.

The weather may have been below 0°C but it was worth it. I hope you enjoy the photos and don’t mind that this blogpost is more of a photo one rather than a wordy one. 


  1. Amazing photos! I can almost imagine myself there haha xx

    1. Thank you so much! I had a lot of fun taking the photos
