Saturday, 31 January 2015

A Book Review: It By Alexa Chung

Wow it’s been a while since I wrote my first and last book review. To be honest it’s not that surprising as I haven’t really finished reading a new book in a few months. I appear to go through periods of time where I find loads of books which I can then get through in a few days. Whereas I sometimes have months where I can’t find any books that I am interested in.

Also I’m one of those people who when I have some time to read but have nothing to actually read, I will go and flip through books that I’ve read in the past. My mum still doesn’t understand how I can read a book ten times in three months.

As well as reading a book over and over, I read books in hours, not weeks. But to do so, I actually need to enjoy that book. If I’m not enjoying the book I won’t even carry on reading it to see if half way through it gets exciting. So I either read a book in a day or I don’t read it at all. Of course there are exceptions to that though like when we are forced to read a book for our English class but I guess that is out of force not choice.

Anyway I have somehow written three paragraphs without even writing about what I set out to write about in the first place. Sorry.

For some time now I have really wanted to read 'It' by Alexa Chung. The name ‘Alexa Chung’ has been spoken here and there in my life but I wasn’t aware that she had a book until a few months ago.

It’s an autobiography. Until I received this book I had never completely finished reading an autobiography. All the autobiographies which I had been handed in my life, not many however, have never really captured my attention. For some reason though I was just interested in reading ‘It’.

I didn’t really have any expectations before I read it but when I pulled away some Christmas wrapping paper to reveal the book, I just really liked the size and layout of the book before I had even opened page one.

After I read it in a few hours (I know I should go slower, I’ve been told but it’s hard to break habits) after receiving it, I discovered it wasn’t like all the other autobiographies I have been handed in my life. It was something different.

It felt like I was seeing into someone else’s life. I know the word ‘autobiography’ suggests that it will be similar to that but I’ve found in the past that they’ve been about big things that that certain person has done in their life and I’ve been unable to understand or relate to any of their experiences. Alexa Chung talked about her childhood and the many people who have influenced her life. In some way I also began to think of who had influenced my life so far.

But overall I would say I enjoyed it. It was something different. If you aren’t into reading pages and pages of just words, it’s a book for you. Just about every two pages at least one photo is included.

I woke up this morning to a fine coat of snow covering everything. Unfortunately not enough to build a snowman but there was still snow! Wherever you are, have you had any snow in the last week?


  1. I just wanted to let you know, that I nominated you for the Liebster Award =)
    Can't wait to read your answers to my questions =)

    1. Thank you so much! I loved your answers to your own questions on your blog. I love Breakfast at Tiffany's too, one day I want to react the scene of her drinking her coffee outside Tiffany & Co. I will soon answer your questions! Thank you!
