Saturday, 4 July 2015


A man once said 'A person who has good thoughts cannot ever be ugly. You can have a wonky nose and a crooked mouth and a double chin and stick-out teeth, but if you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely.' This man was called Roald Dahl.

It got me thinking. Thinking about perfection, beauty and all the other words associated with being flawless. All of us encounter the burden to emulate a certain illusion of perfection each day: In magazines, music videos, films, on billboards, on television, it dances in front of our eyes.

This perfect picture of the meant-to-be body results in people looking into the mirror and being disappointed that their reflection does not replicate the ones in the media. But how can simple images contribute to someone wanting to change their own body? Nearly all of the bodies used in the media have been altered. Technology has enabled people to change bodies in images to something different, something that they aren't. Images of models are changed to have slimmer thighs, smaller waists and fewer blemishes. How can people strive for something in reality that only exists by virtue of a computer programme?

It's not real. An illusion of the 'perfect' body has been made. It's fake, artificial. In reality there's no definition of perfect. Only the beautiful thing of human beings being different is perfect.

We shouldn't be judging others because of their appearances. Can we start the path to changing the definition of beauty today.

Someone who is pretty or beautiful should be one who shares happy thoughts and radiates happiness into society. A kind, generous human being is beautiful. Those qualities are the ones that matter. Why are people first blinded by whether someone has shiny hair or not as to whether they are pretty or not.

So hopefully at least one of you reading this will consider adopting this new definition of beauty. And by the way happy fourth of July!

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