Saturday, 9 May 2015

A Trip To Canada: A Holiday To Never Forget

not the best quality but I took this from the inside of our car behind the window :D

As a result of all these exams at the moment coming up, I'm really missing the holidays so I thought it might be nice to reflect back on a very special holiday of mine that happened a few years ago.
We all have that group of places or holidays that we cherish. I’ve been very lucky in opportunities to travel to different places in my life so far for a fifteen year old. But one place has stood out the most. Even though its been years since I went.

As you have probably guessed from the title of this post, this special place is Canada.
It all started when I visited Canada for the first time during my last year at primary school. I was lucky enough to spend three weeks there.

Inevitably my memories have started to fade since then but I want to make sure I never forget how happy and that I did have one of the best times of my life there. I can’t pinpoint one thing that made it. It wasn’t necessarily a holiday filled with a couple of amazing experiences. Every day just carried on contributing to making it THE holiday.
I guess maybe it was so great since I had no expectations beforehand. It was so special due to the fact that I could never have predicted what was to come and how it would make me feel at home but at the same time like I was in a new and intriguing place.

The photos above show that I visited many rural areas but for a few days I was fortunate enough to visit a city that I’ve forgotten the name of… Someday I want to go back and explore more of Canada.

Where do you want to go to in the future?