Saturday, 4 April 2015

The Versatile Blogger Award

The pretty amazing The Punk Theory very kindly nominated me for the Versatile Blogger Award. Since the day I read that she loved Breakfast at Tiffany’s I never forgot her. She really has a huge heart and an incredible way with words. Thank you so much for nominating me. 

I nominate:
  1. Alphabeth
  2. Love, Emma 
  3. Madeline McGowan 
  4. Lovely. Jubbly 
  5. Fill My Little World
  6. Caitriona Tighe 
  7. Colours And Carousels
  8. Daydreams & Daisychains
  9. Its Ellody
  10. Tea.Toast.Fashion

And now here are 10 facts about me:
  1. I don’t cook
  2. I’ve tried a lot of sports but only one has stuck, sailing
  3. However early I go to bed I still fall asleep very late
  4. I tend not to delete anything… I should probably start to delete some things
  5. My music taste changes just about everyday
  6. I’ve never tried sushi
  7. I have different coloured eyes
  8. I’ve been addicted to Gilmore Girls for many years and I still dream of living in a town like Stars Hollow
  9. I’ve never read the Harry Potter series (sorry)
  10. If I like a song I will listen to it on repeat until I don't like it anymore


  1. Thank you so much for your kind words! I always look forward to reading your posts.
    I must admit, I'm also guilty of #9 ;-)

  2. Gemma, thank you for this nomination - very kind of you. I look forward to reading more from you :) x
