Saturday, 25 April 2015


You can probably guess this was an accident :D

Life is full of a lot of big moments. But even more small moments. Somehow that makes us forget them more than the big things.

Somehow since January everything has been going so fast, especially the month of March. In less than a month I’m going to be sitting my first GCSE exam. It’s crazy. It feels like I was only in primary school yesterday.  

It’s made me want to savour more of the moments.

The other day I came across some photos from when my good friend and I went for a walk through a wood nearby before we headed into town later on over a month ago. I thought I could share them with you since you might enjoy them as it’s something different.

We never really anticipated it to be as muddy as it was. Well mostly I didn’t. I somehow once ended up with my feet in mud that met the top of my boots. Just to let you know my boots did survive… just. She was a bit brighter than me and wore trainers. Also it didn’t help that I fell off the path once and into the thick pools of mud.

Anyway how is your weekend going?

Friday, 17 April 2015

A Trip To France: Up & Down The Mountains

As I write this I’m tucked up in the corner of the backseat of our car as we drive and drive through a wet France on the way home. We’ve unfortunately run out of biscuits so are fighting over the last crisp packet. (If you haven't guessed I wrote this a while ago - I've been wanting to upload it so much but I wanted to get up to date so had to wait to write my trip to Belgium first but thought why not upload it a day early. Hope you enjoy).

A few months ago I visited a place in France where my Aunt and Uncle’s wedding was taking place. I wrote about it here A Trip To France: A Wedding. My parents just so happened to book our skiing holiday in the same place. The only difference from last time I visited was that snow had fallen.

I’ve never been on a skiing holiday where I have been able to see so little. For the first time it rained some days when I was up the mountain and I ended up coming back to the apartment drenched.

It just so happened that the sunniest of days was our last day. I even caught myself saying I was too hot. Unfortunately we had to cut the skiing day short to get on our way to the euro tunnel.

Apparently as a child I was fearless when skiing. According to my mum, from the moment I could ski, I would hurl myself down the slopes. I have one distinct memory from when I was little, I hurtled past my mum down the mountain and I could just hear her screaming my name but I carried on trying to go as fast as possible. I guess it explains why I find it so thrilling now to ski but only when I'm in control. It's rather scary, understandably so, when your skiing down a mountain and you go over some ice or something and lose control.

Have you ever been skiing or done a sport that you find thrilling?

Saturday, 11 April 2015

A Trip To Belgium & France: A Trip Into The Past

A few weeks ago I visited France and Belgium on my school’s history trip. It was the most life changing and most influential trip I’ve ever been on.

We visited many WW1 cemeteries and the number of graves and number of men that had been missing in action or men whose bodies were never found was shocking. From early on in our WW1 history lessons we were given the statistics of how many men died in that war. But nothing, in my opinion, can really demonstrate how many lives were lost until you actually see for yourself all the names of soldiers who died. Even then I don’t really think we can completely understand and identify what truly happened in WW1 and the number of lives lost.

Every soldier who fought had their own story. It was so upsetting to see the range of ages of soldiers who died, even as young as thirteen, which is not much younger than me.  

One day I really want to visit every grave in every cemetery for WW1. Maybe it’s near impossible but I really want to make it happen. Very unfortunately many bodies were found but weren’t able to be identified as the name tags had been made out of, for example, card board. Therefore their families have never been able to know and be able to visit them. I don’t know why but I want to visit the graves so I can at least have acknowledged them and been someone to personally identify what they did in WW1.

Saturday, 4 April 2015

The Versatile Blogger Award

The pretty amazing The Punk Theory very kindly nominated me for the Versatile Blogger Award. Since the day I read that she loved Breakfast at Tiffany’s I never forgot her. She really has a huge heart and an incredible way with words. Thank you so much for nominating me. 

I nominate:
  1. Alphabeth
  2. Love, Emma 
  3. Madeline McGowan 
  4. Lovely. Jubbly 
  5. Fill My Little World
  6. Caitriona Tighe 
  7. Colours And Carousels
  8. Daydreams & Daisychains
  9. Its Ellody
  10. Tea.Toast.Fashion

And now here are 10 facts about me:
  1. I don’t cook
  2. I’ve tried a lot of sports but only one has stuck, sailing
  3. However early I go to bed I still fall asleep very late
  4. I tend not to delete anything… I should probably start to delete some things
  5. My music taste changes just about everyday
  6. I’ve never tried sushi
  7. I have different coloured eyes
  8. I’ve been addicted to Gilmore Girls for many years and I still dream of living in a town like Stars Hollow
  9. I’ve never read the Harry Potter series (sorry)
  10. If I like a song I will listen to it on repeat until I don't like it anymore

Thursday, 2 April 2015

I Miss Writing

I miss writing.

Words used to be able to fall from my head to paper or a computer screen in this case.

Now I sit wanting to write but not being able to. I’ve been so busy lately either revising and completing homework or visiting another country. There’s been no time to stop. Maybe that’s what’s driven writer’s block to come out of its cave.

Whenever I needed to express myself I’ve gone to write. I guess this could be classed as a perfect time for writer’s block to creep onto my back. I’ve tried to be patient. I’ve come and gone. But it still hides in the shadows.

So much has happened recently that I want to write about. I fear when writer’s block decides to go on vacation that I will have forgotten the moments of my life now and therefore have nothing worthy to put down to paper.

I guess in some way as I’m writing this I’m hoping it will push this wall away, that I will be able to breathe again.

Anyway I have one day left until my skiing holiday is over and I will be on my way back to England. Let’s just say I’m really looking forward to my own bed. It’s been too long!