So I did find a way to upload those photos I mentioned yesterday. Anyway here is today's post, beware its a long one.
In recent years I’ve been asked what I want to be when I’m older. When I was around nine years old I wanted to be an architect but then I learnt that you have to spend the majority of your twenties at university so you can probably guess that I ditched that idea from my lack of enthusiasm.
Then for a few years I had absolutely no idea what I wanted to be. At the time no one told me it was okay to not know what I wanted to be and I was surrounded by people who knew exactly what they wanted to do as a career when they grew up.
However one or two years ago somehow the idea of becoming a journalist occurred and it’s stuck ever since. It may change. The chance of it changing is that it will probably change. But so far it’s the career that I’ve wanted to do the longest.
At the moment I have quite a few friends who are unsure about what they want to do when they are older and that’s okay. I've learnt that it may seem quite daunting to go into adulthood and not know what we want to be but I think some exciting things could arise from that.
We all live different stories. Unwritten stories. That’s one of the things that makes life exciting. No one knows what’s going to happen in the future.
It would be a lot easier if I believed in one thing but I don’t which is going to make this a lot harder to explain but I’m going to give it a go. I strongly believe that big things happen for a reason. When I say big things I mean stuff like getting married or not, having children or not, going to university or not etc.
However saying that, my thoughts may change next week or in ten years’ time. What happens in your life affects how you see the world. Something could happen in five years and change the way I look at life.
Anyway this whole post was meant to be about what I wanted to be when I’m older hence the name of this post. I always seem to go off topic!
In the last few weeks I’ve been seriously considering what career opportunities there are in the world. Firstly I would love to be a journalist as I said earlier. But I also love the idea of being someone who designs book covers. A few months ago on a school trip we visited a Graphics exhibition and I discovered that you can actually have a career as a book cover designer.
Also the idea of becoming someone who creates film trailers sounds so exciting. Alternatively I would love to write about weddings! Lastly the idea of being an event planner does interest me. I have heard though that it is a stressful career to go into but I would like to hope that I could cope.
Anyway who knows I’ve still got years until I need to make up my mind. And I have quite a few different ideas of what I want to be.
Any ideas of what you would like to be when you grow up or do you actually have a career? If not, its’ okay, there are probably thousands of adults who are secretly still unsure about what they want to do in life. And I seem to run in and out of ideas of what I want to be when I’m older. I don’t believe that everyone has just one job that suits them.
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