In the fourteen years and eleven
months I’ve been alive, I’ve learnt a few things. Well many things. I’ve learnt
how to brush my teeth. Put my hair into a ponytail. Eat food with my mouth
closed. Just like you. However there are a few things that I’ve learnt which I
think you might find useful or may have realised already.
- Try to always do your homework the night you get it - recently, I’ve been trying to complete all my homework the day I get it which has enabled me to have more free time at the weekend to do other things and has prevented me from having a stack of homework to do at the end of the week.
- Smile more at everyone - it makes both you and everyone around you happier
- Accept it when you’re wrong – there’s nothing to be embarrassed about if you get something wrong. I believe that it takes a lot of courage to own up to making a mistake and it demonstrates how mature you are, however big or small the mistake is.
- Remind your friends that your there for them – you never know when a friend may need you or need to be reminded that your there for them.
- Meet new people – don’t always stick to your own friendship group. You may feel incredibly comfortable with your group of friends and love them all but you never know, talking to someone one day may result in a great supportive friendship later on. And it doesn’t hurt having more friends.
- Don’t only revise the night before your exam – revise a few days before and do a small amount every day. It will be worth it I promise.
- Stick up for yourself when needed – sometimes you just need to do something if something is bothering or negatively affecting your life. You may feel that you are making a big fuss over nothing but if it is negatively affecting your future then speak up. For the first time in my life, a few weeks ago I spoke up about a teacher who I felt was teaching badly which was going to negatively affect our future exams.
This appears to be a very random list of things that I’ve
learnt in my life but hopefully useful and interesting.
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