Thursday, 30 October 2014

Autumn Break

If you had asked before this week what I spent the majority of my time doing in my school holidays I would have used one word, ‘sleep’. But strangely this half term I’ve been getting up at, latest nine o’clock. Recently I’ve noticed when I get up earlier I am able to get more stuff done and actually felt more productive and awake. I wish I could say this has made me fall asleep earlier but unfortunately not…

Anyway a few days ago I woke up just before eight o’clock in the morning and visited a good friend of mine. On the way to her house we came across a small flood covering all of the road: For a second or two I considered paddling across but luckily my friend told me of another route. It took us two attempts to find her house as we drove up the road then back again but we did eventually find it.

We spent the day together chatting about everything: From the taste of pizza to our future dream jobs. It may not sound the most adventurous day but it was nice to just ‘chill’.
We took a walk around a park beside her house (which I now believe to be a wood, rather than a park even though it has the word ‘park’ in its name). Not that it really matters but never mind.
I think we were outside for two to three hours even though it felt like nothing. Half way through our trip we came across a picnic bench and may I say I’m sort of now obsessed with it. I’m not really one for going on about things but it just felt like a great bench.
In previous blog posts I have discussed how I tend to hide my camera behind me when I’m around strangers, well guess what… that happened a few times again. My friend said that I was more confident to sing around strangers than take a photo. That seems a bit odd but I guess it’s true. I presume I feel more nervous taking a photo as it means more to me than casually singing.
Anyway I hope you have enjoyed the photos above.

You may come to realise that I'm not a big fan of Halloween, it's always been about bonfire night a few days later for me. But I am dressing up and heading over to a friend's of mine. Have you got any plans for Halloween or bonfire night?

Friday, 24 October 2014

There's Something About Autumn

By the way four of these photos above sandwiched between the first and last photo were taken by a good friend of mine without me even knowing except for one of them
Autumn. Neither Summer or Winter.
Snuggling up on the sofa wrapped up in blankets and a hot chocolate in hand. The orange to yellow leaves covering the ground. The excuse to wear fluffy socks. There’s just something about Autumn.

It may be nearing the end of Autumn but every time I look out of my bedroom window I catch a glimpse of Autumn.

As dusk falls fireworks are already going off. There's something special about fireworks to me: I was born the morning after bonfire night.

My parents had the pleasure of waiting for me to arrive in a hospital as fireworks were set off into the sky. And my Dad likes to joke that they had their own firework, me. (Bit cheesy but I'll let him off this time).

Friday, 17 October 2014

Seven Random Things I've Learnt

In the fourteen years and eleven months I’ve been alive, I’ve learnt a few things. Well many things. I’ve learnt how to brush my teeth. Put my hair into a ponytail. Eat food with my mouth closed. Just like you. However there are a few things that I’ve learnt which I think you might find useful or may have realised already.

  •  Try to always do your homework the night you get it - recently, I’ve been trying to complete all my homework the day I get it which has enabled me to have more free time at the weekend to do other things and has prevented me from having a stack of homework to do at the end of the week. 
  •  Smile more at everyone - it makes both you and everyone around you happier 
  •  Accept it when you’re wrong – there’s nothing to be embarrassed about if you get something wrong. I believe that it takes a lot of courage to own up to making a mistake and it demonstrates how mature you are, however big or small the mistake is.
  •  Remind your friends that your there for them – you never know when a friend may need you or need to be reminded that your there for them.
  •  Meet new people – don’t always stick to your own friendship group. You may feel incredibly comfortable with your group of friends and love them all but you never know, talking to someone one day may result in a great supportive friendship later on. And it doesn’t hurt having more friends.
  • Don’t only revise the night before your exam – revise a few days before and do a small amount every day. It will be worth it I promise. 
  •  Stick up for yourself when needed – sometimes you just need to do something if something is bothering or negatively affecting your life. You may feel that you are making a big fuss over nothing but if it is negatively affecting your future then speak up. For the first time in my life, a few weeks ago I spoke up about a teacher who I felt was teaching badly which was going to negatively affect our future exams. 

This appears to be a very random list of things that I’ve learnt in my life but hopefully useful and interesting. 

Saturday, 11 October 2014

A Mistake

I had a blog post all ready to be uploaded tonight but then something happened…

Tonight my friend found my blog. I’m guessing that some people will get this and some might not: I was slightly scared.
A few months ago I was discussing different types of blogs with a friend of mine and every time I looked at my phone my fingers were itching to type in the words ‘I have a blog’.
You may ask what stopped me. Well to be honest, I was afraid. I was afraid of other people finding out. I was afraid of people wanting to read it. I was afraid of people laughing at it. I was just afraid and still am.
But a month ago I told two of my closest friends that I had a blog but I didn’t tell them what it was called. Today I accidentally sent a photo to one of my friends with the name of my blog in the background. I didn’t even realise at the time until she told me a few hours later, after she had read my blog. At first I was nervous: I shouldn’t have been.
She sent me a lot of very encouraging and supportive messages related to my blog but I still had a small voice in the back of my head telling me that she was just being ‘nice’. However now I’ve had a bit of time to think.
This mistake has enabled me to hear someone’s opinion of my blog and it has allowed me to be able to share something very important to me with one of my friends.
I don’t regret sending that photo. I’m happy that I did. 

Friday, 3 October 2014

Say Goodbye To Summer

Another school term begins. And summer is lost. Winter is on the horizon. 
My brain had been asleep for six weeks and I was thrown into a geography class. As my foot stepped into the classroom, I said goodbye to a summer life I once had.

Every year I find myself at the beginning of summer reminding myself that this summer will go fast and I need to use up the time well. But in the end it makes no difference. This year I learnt that however hard I try, summer will be gone before I can blink.

It still came to the evening before I went back to school with me regretting not revising. But to be honest, I don’t think I could have really stopped that because it’s the fate of my summers.

It still hasn’t completely hit me that this year I sit some GCSE exams. Whenever I’m reminded that I’m taking my Latin GCSE, all I can think is ‘I’m not ready’. It’s crazy to think I’ve only got four more years left of school if I go to sixth form that is. I’m not saying I won’t because I hugely doubt that but I always like to not make a too big promise or assumption.

I feel like I need to physically grow a bit more before I can get all serious with my life. I still feel like a child.