Saturday, 20 February 2016

A Needed Break

This half term I lost the ability to pick up a pen and face all of my school textbooks. All I wanted was to run away from work and act as if it didn’t exist. But the impending days of GCSE exams this summer lingered in my mind and so there were numerous times where I found myself yearning to absorb pages of books and equations. However I found myself too tired and done with work to carry out my wish. So I spent the majority of my week doing nothing related to work. It was really nice.
I spent days in and out of my home enjoying a life I had forgotten during mocks. There were still thoughts about GCSEs crawling around in my mind but I needed to have a break and I think so many others, who are in the same boat as I with exams approaching, needed to have one too. 
So I hope you have had a good week and next week is even better.

Saturday, 13 February 2016

Things On My Mind

There’s something so pleasing with the prospect of being able to stop doing the same subjects which I’ve wanted to brush under the door for so long. I don’t think I’ve ever said here in the space that I wasn’t the biggest fan of any science or modern language.

But somehow the more I think about what I want to take for a level in less than six months, the more I’m questioning whether the subjects, which I have disliked, if I still do. I’m now at a point where I’m spending time on these subjects and actually enjoying them with the exception of physics. It all shocks me.
I can’t quite believe I’m considering taking a science or maths when those subjects have always been the ones I’ve frowned upon. For so long now it’s been English and history without doubt but now I’m unsure. Part of me wishes I could do a little of each.

Anyway I hope you had a good week and next week is even better!