Saturday, 30 January 2016

An Interaction

Snow crystals chime against each other as the wind carries a dusting of snow across the streets. Footprints lie across the sheets of snow. Children’s laughs come from nearby. His eyes search for mine but I deliberately stare out towards the station of sea. I can feel the redness scattering across my cheeks.
“I’m so sorry,” the boy stutters. “I wasn’t looking where I was going.”
I try to steady my voice as I can feel itching in my throat, which I receive when I’m nervous. “It’s fine” I cough out as I strengthen my legs and bring them out from under me to stand up. His hand rests in the air above my head, waiting for me to take. A cloud seethes from my mouth and hangs in the air as I pause. I hesitantly take his and lift my body up from the darkened grass by my weight.
“I’m so sorry” he laughs.
“It’s honestly fine. No broken bones,” I mutter while brushing off any dust on my legs. “Well, see you.” He bows his head and moves in the other direction to my still statue.   
Honestly I'm not exactly sure what this is about. I began writing with just two strangers in mind interacting but then I wasn't sure where to take it. Anyway I hope you have had a good week and next week is even better.

Saturday, 23 January 2016

Less Than 24 Hours By The Coast

Can you spot the trail of birds?
And can you spot the moon?


The sea has been out of my reach for so long as the line-up of mocks built a locked gate that I could not open until one of the last exams. Last Friday I sat down, wrote until they said stop and left the hall with a sore, used hand but with the plans to experience things that had been gone from my mind for a week or two.
Saturday contained a birthday surprise for a few of my friends and singing along to a number of films. A minute after ten I squeezed into my parents’ car and we drove up to the coast through the shower of unexpected snow. The next day after being wrapped up in bed, we ventured out to the sea, which I had missed so much. As you can see above I’m a bit rusty with taking proper photos out and about but hopefully I will have loads more opportunities in the next few months to practise taking photos.
Anyway I hope you have had a good week and next week will be even better.  

Saturday, 16 January 2016

Craving Something New

During my main GCSE mock exam week I was slightly restricted from leaving my house as the need to revise lingered. But the craving to see something new loitered.
Every day the sky provided me with something new, something beautiful. I captured a few of the days and thought you may like to see.

Saturday, 9 January 2016

One Last Goodbye To 2015



started 2015 with friends | spent hours wheeling around a cart full of leaflets to deliver to post boxes as my ‘first’ job | spent hours chatting with old neighbour | cut a load off of my hair | stayed up to late hours talking about anything in my history dorm with friends | had the opportunity to visit the WW1 battlefields | went skiing | walked down a beach at night | had a late night adventure to an old train station | last sports day | dressed up as a sixth former for a day | slept in a tent with friends for a night | took so many tubes around London with a friend | ventured out to a yacht harbour at night | spent an afternoon walking around somewhere I had never been | made a visit to somewhere in my town that I had never been before | spent a whole day with friends watching films non-stop | walked along the beach in our pyjamas at night | took a friend sailing for their first time | every day for a week went somewhere new | saw the sun set too many times to count | picked up my GCSE results | visited a completely new town | found my inner eight year-old self with a friend | had a picnic in a wood with friends | strolled all the way around London with friends | miraculously won bowling once | started the new school year | had a geography trip to Wales | discovered a beautiful place | walked and camped for three days | spent a day in London for Mum’s birthday | dressed up for Halloween from clueless with a friend & spent a night sleeping in a living room | received hand-made bunting from a close friend which I still can’t express how grateful and appreciative I am for | spent many Sunday afternoon’s at my aunties cuddled up on the sofa under a blanket | performed in my school’s panto | danced a lot | went ice skating for the first time | spent the Christmas period with my family | met my cousin’s baby | ended 2015 with friends

Even though it’s been over a week into 2016 I just wanted to look back at 2015 one last time. Above are a few photos and a collection of phrases and words that reflect a lot of my past year. I'm incredibly grateful for all I experienced and received in 2015. Bring on 2016.  
I hope you have had a good week and next week is an even better one. Thank you for reading this.

Saturday, 2 January 2016

Happy New Year

Last year I wrote a post during the New Year period about my resolutions. The way I wrote and what I wrote is not from the same person sitting here typing these words. I’ve grown and changed so significantly in the last year. Honestly I don’t think we ever stop growing and I don’t want to stop.

The person who wrote that post a year ago was me but the person sitting here now, the ‘now’ me, no longer craves a plan for the New Year. Now I seek to take each day as a new opportunity, a new chance, to discover, to travel, to make new mistakes, to learn from these mistakes and to grow. And I’ve come to realise its ok to not have a plan.
Saying this though I am one who yearns to write a ‘to do’ list or any list in fact for I have found stability in planning in the past. But in the last year things that I haven’t planned or known to have desired have been some of the best things to have occurred in my life.
So from now onwards I want to solely embrace every single day as much as I can. Happy New Year!