Saturday, 19 December 2015

Seizing Opportunities

School commenced in September and I had no conscious decision to accept opportunities, which were whispered in my ear. When something used to arise at school I would always be one to brush it away with an excuse of ‘that’s not me’ or ‘I don’t have the time to do that’. A lot of my life when I joined secondary school strived for academic achievement and success. I felt I had to achieve greatness in the form of letters and numbers after exam papers and essays. In the last two to three years I’ve understood that life needs to be lived in numerous forms to attain success. But honestly I feel I’ve only truly and completely implemented that belief in my actual life in the last year or possibly the last six months.

In the last few months I’ve taken the extra step and said yes to opportunities that have been flickered in front of my eyes. They’ve included me standing on a stage in front of a bunch of strangers and volunteering to speak out. I’ve stepped out of my comfort zone and it has filled my life with more enjoyment. If you had asked me four months ago if I would be doing what I have done in the last two or three months I would have laughed and walked away.
It can be very easy to say no to an opportunity and leave it outside the door. Unfortunately I’ve done that numerous times. Yet again some opportunities cannot facilitate everyone’s interest or be available during our free time. But if an opportunity offers something of interest to you and you have the chance to say yes, do it. It’s incredibly important to embrace life and ensure you balance your work life with your non-work life.

Merry Christmas.

Saturday, 12 December 2015


I find myself writing but not writing what I want to write.

I write because I enjoy it.
As I have control over my keyboard, I have control over what letters are used to create words. Then sentences. These sentences portray my thoughts, feelings and my side to something.

I love reading writing. It can cause numerous emotions to be formed from the reader and so influences someone. To me that’s something truly special. People’s accounts of anything from events to emotions should be shared. They can be shared through the use of words. And those words can be written to be easily repeated to many anywhere.
Writing, especially fiction, can transport someone to a new place and show a different perspective to an experience or event.

I shall be patient and wait for 'the' writing to come.