Saturday, 28 November 2015

The Beach In The Rain

It was a wet and cloudy day, in my eyes, a pretty good day to go down to the beach. I’m aware that sounds odd but it always means it will mostly just be you and the beach with a few people passing.
Up my sleeves, my hands hid from the cold, harsh wind that whipped my hair across my face. I wish I had brought a scarf to cover my neck. The beach huts dotted the land with colour and the sea galloped in and out.

I hope you have had a good week and next week will be even better.

Saturday, 21 November 2015

A Child Or An Adult

Sixteen always sounded so grown up when I was younger. And now I’m here, I do actually feel different. However I don’t feel grown up or young. I feel in between. I’ve lost the desire to play with dolls and have tea parties with my teddy bears. I no longer need my mum’s help to tie my hair up or dress me.
I now have my own key to our house, am able to walk around by myself and am presented with the decision to make my mind up for what I want to do. But do adults ever actually have that one thing they want to do forever. Don’t they still own that desire to experience new things and find new parts to life just like when a child wanders off from their parent in the park and comes across the swings.
For years I’ve wanted to become things, different things. Does that even go away?
Part of me wants to remain growing and changing throughout my life. Alternatively though the idea of wanting to do the same thing forever is attractive. But is that reality? Don't people find themselves changing what they want to do in life as they change themselves due to experiences and where they've gotten in life.
If you any views and thoughts on the topic of the future and career choices etc please comment below. I'm really interested in what you have to say.

Saturday, 14 November 2015

Pray For Paris

I don’t know much. But I know this
Treat everyone as you would want to be treated
Love the people around you every day
You never know when they may go

Today they announced that 180 people have been injured and at least 129 people were killed in Paris after the attacks from last night. What happened in Paris is truly devastating and wrong.

Unfortunately many innocent people are dying and being affected by cruelty all around the world all the time. Humanity has the capacity for cruelty but so much ability for kindness too.

My thoughts especially go out to witnesses, victims and families who were affected by the attacks in Paris.

Saturday, 7 November 2015

A Letter To My Seventeen Year-Old Self

Dear seventeen year-old me,

I hope you have taken every opportunity to see the world even if it's just a trip down the road. And please tell me you are keeping up with trying new foods even if they smell terrible and remind you of primary school meals. Just maybe you have finally gone swimming in the English sea. When I say swimming, I mean shoulders under water. If you still haven't when you next read this, go and do it.

Also I hope you haven't lost your love for fairy-lights. I seriously believe the world would be a prettier place if it was covered in them.

I hope you haven't lost your excitement. That feeling that makes you smile and bounce. Never lose that. And don't let one person stop you from asking anyone if they are okay.

In addition I hope you still have an extensive list of things you want to do. As well as have completed a number of them and are constantly adding to the list. I hope you still want to drive across Canada, visit a proper American diner and add a letter to Juliet's wall in Italy. But most importantly seize every opportunity to make people happy.

Love, your sixteen year-old self

PS: Honestly I haven't looked back at my post that I wrote about a  year ago, A Letter To My Sixteen Year Old Self . The way I wrote then and who I was has changed so significantly. I'm not sure how to word this but I feel unconsciously the way I write here is so much more comfortable and open than it was before.

PPSS: Sorry for using the word 'hope' far too much in this post.