Saturday, 14 March 2015

My Mum

It only seemed right that I wrote about my mum today as it's Mother's Day tomorrow. It’s one of the days for her. To me it’s a day to thank my mum even though I should do it regularly. We all become so busy in our own lives that we sometimes forget to thank the people who are always around us.

I don't really know what to say without being too cheesy so sorry for what may be about to come.

As I've grown older my mum and I have argued like so many others. But she's always there for me at the end of the day. When I need some words of encouragement she's there. When I need someone to rant to about school she's there. When I need some advice she's there. Even when I wake up on the wrong side of the bed, she's still there for me.

I’m not saying we are always arguing but I think it’s one of the times where we are at our worst. I’m not really sure if that makes sense. I hope you understand what I mean. I’m not really sure how to word it.

She says, does or is whatever I need. Even when I don’t even know what I need. Maybe that’s a mother’s instinct. Whether it is or not, I would like to say 'thank you' to my mum for always being there only a step behind me, ready to catch me if I fall.
Thank you Mum.

Saturday, 7 March 2015

Doing Things

School has been busy. But to be honest, it is always busy now since I started my GCSE years. Just these two weeks, in particular, I've had to revise for mocks and other things towards a few of my GCSEs. You may not know but I always make time for blogging even if I don't show it to everyone on the internet. It makes me happy and gives me a break from school.

Recently I've somehow ended up causing more 'work' for myself. (Not that I'm complaining). I've been saying 'yes' to a lot of things and actually doing things that I've been wanting to do for so long. I've no longer been holding a pause button on those things. I realised that it didn't matter when I did them. As long as I did do them, then that was all that was needed.

I feel that I so often have thoughts of doing things but I don't actually get round to doing them. They may be very small things or very big things. It doesn't matter, I'm just making a lot more effort to do things.  

So why don't you close this page and do something that you've been thinking about doing but haven't actually done yet.