It’s been a while since I have tried
something new. Starting this blog both excites and scares me.
Just like when you meet someone new for the
first time, you want to give a good impression. I want to give a good
impression now so fingers crossed this goes well.
I wish I could say I have always loved
writing, reading and photography. But to be honest, it’s only been in the last
few years that I have found what I truly love to do. When I was younger, my
mother would struggle to get me to read a book, now she can’t stop me.
I have always worried that I didn’t have
that one thing which I was completely passionate about. I’ve seen friends
through my life becoming really passionate about, for example, swimming and
netball. In my life I seem to be very good at quitting things, unfortunately.
I’ve tried a lot of sports but none of them have really interested me for long.
The only sport which I have stood by, is sailing. A few years ago my parents
asked me to chose between sailing and ballet for certain reasons. As you can
guess, I picked sailing.
In the back of my mind, I sometimes think
about what if I had carried on doing ballet. Could I have turned into an
elegant ballerina whose performances made the audience stare in awe? Could I
have a career in ballet? But then I remind myself that worrying about something
that I will never know the answer to is pointless. I believe that ‘things
happen for a reason’ and if something is meant to happen then it will, if not
then it won’t. Not sure if that’s a quote where from somewhere or not.
In addition over the last few years I have
learnt that there are other things to love and ‘get into’ other than sport. For
some reason, at primary school, the only things that were happening, were
sports. I wouldn’t class myself as a non sporty person, just someone who
doesn’t love sport.
I feel like I’ve been rambling on for too
long now…
About four months ago the idea of starting
a blog happened on one of my ski holidays during dinner in the evening. Kind of
wish I could say that it came up on the slopes one sunny colourful day on a ski
lift but then I would be lying even though it sounds more magical and story
I had read a few blogs in my life but the
idea of me writing my own had never crossed my mind. But from the moment the
idea was thought of, I decided I wanted to start writing a blog. A blog about anything.
Between you and me, I worry about things.
Wish I was one of those people who are always completely relaxed about things
but I’m not and I’m not going to lie about it and say I’m not, because it’s me.
Worrying about things can also be good: I just need to remind myself of that
I have sat down more than once to write
this since I’ve been worrying what I’m writing about isn’t good enough. However
this time, I’m trying to go with the flow. I may look back in the future and
cringe at what I read and think, ‘I could have done better’. But right now, in
this moment, it’s the best I can do. In months to come, I hopefully will be
able to write better than this and that’s ok. I am allowed to grow. Everyone is
allowed to grow.
Let's see where this goes.
I’m trying to be me.